I told you not to come

Dear You,

The Title of this years European Exchange Academy was “Borders: Reach & Move” and that’s what we did with the help of great advisers and new-found friends. During the intense working period we all tried to reach new territory. Our working methods changed, we all tried new mediums and styles and unforeseen collaborations came about.

The show is a collection of works that were either made during the exchange, are a remix of the work we did or works that are still very much influenced by the new working methods that we developed during that period. This exhibition was a great opportunity to come back together as a group and to reflect on the impact that the EEA had on us.
We would love to see you at our exhibition opening and to enjoy some fine tunes and some nice typical EEA food.

See you there!
And we told you not come!


EEA11 participants

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